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Montana PRIMER 400ml - Aluminium

The Montana PRIMER 400ml - ALUMINIUM T2450 creates a neutral surface on aluminium in preparation for further coating with acrylic, NC (nitro-combi) or synthetic-based lacquers. With built-in properties to resist against flaking and cracking on aluminium, the ALUMINIUM PRIMER is light grey in color with a matt finish that will give your aluminium coatings the longest possible lifespan with the highest aesthetic results. Applying ALUMINIUM PRIMER promotes premium adhesion to your artwork, objects or D.I.Y projects for the application of Montana GOLD, Montana BLACK, Montana WHITE, Montana TECH, and EFFECT coatings. With limitations, the ALUMINIUM PRIMER can also offer similar protection on copper and zinc. For best results pre-sand surfaces with fine sandpaper and ensure that your surface is clean, dry and free of all dust and oils before application. Further coating is also possible with the Montana TECH, EFFECT, and Montana Cans color ranges. Smooth, even application is effortless thanks to its medium pressure and Montana FLAT JET CAP Medium, which comes standard on the can. For further application caps, why not try others from the FLAT JET cap range. We suggest trialing on a non...

Produktinformationen "Montana PRIMER 400ml - Aluminium"

The Montana PRIMER 400ml - ALUMINIUM T2450 creates a neutral surface on aluminium in preparation for further coating with acrylic, NC (nitro-combi) or synthetic-based lacquers. With built-in properties to resist against flaking and cracking on aluminium, the ALUMINIUM PRIMER is light grey in color with a matt finish that will give your aluminium coatings the longest possible lifespan with the highest aesthetic results. Applying ALUMINIUM PRIMER promotes premium adhesion to your artwork, objects or D.I.Y projects for the application of Montana GOLD, Montana BLACK, Montana WHITE, Montana TECH, and EFFECT coatings. With limitations, the ALUMINIUM PRIMER can also offer similar protection on copper and zinc. For best results pre-sand surfaces with fine sandpaper and ensure that your surface is clean, dry and free of all dust and oils before application. Further coating is also possible with the Montana TECH, EFFECT, and Montana Cans color ranges. Smooth, even application is effortless thanks to its medium pressure and Montana FLAT JET CAP Medium, which comes standard on the can. For further application caps, why not try others from the FLAT JET cap range. We suggest trialing on a non-visible area of your material to test for compatibility.

USE: Shake can vigorously for 2-3 minutes before use. Apply ALUMINIUM PRIMER in several thin layers, spraying in sweeping motions. Allow 5 minutes to dry between coats. Coating with colors can take place after 2-4 hours of drying time. Further coats of alternative products might require a drying time of 24 hours or more depending on the coating. Always test spray on a non-visible area to check the compatibility of lacquer or paint. For optimal lifespan, store cans always with the nozzle on.

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