As an aerosol manufacturer, we consider it our duty to inform you about recycling. In the following, you will learn how our products are disposed of in a recycling-friendly manner.
What does recycling mean anyway?
Simply put, recycling means that things are not thrown away, but that material is reused. The recycling process is also called "material recovery". Glass, paper, cardboard, iron, non-ferrous metals and plastics are particularly suitable for this purpose. An important prerequisite for "material recycling" is that the recyclable materials are collected as purely as possible or that they are separated from the rest of the waste as easily as possible.
As a general rule:
All filled products of the European Aerosols Group can be returned to the recycling cycle after residual emptying. Important here is the separation of all possible packaging components without having to use any tools! This means that all products must be completely empty and the individual packaging components must be separated from each other. If the products are not completely empty, they must be handed in at collection points such as recycling centers, reuse centers, .... Please note that the designation of the municipal and communal collection points are partly different (recycling yard, recycling center, mobile hazardous waste collection,...). In case of uncertainties and detailed questions, please always contact your city or municipality directly.

Every Montana Cans aerosol spray is not only a valuable tool for applying paint or coatings, but they are also valuable raw materials that can be recycled for reuse in different forms. As an aerosol manufacturer, the European Aerosols Group considers it its duty to assist the users of its products with information for the responsible disposal and recycling of the products they have used. Before proceeding with the recycling of your empty aerosol products, we recommend contacting your local council or government waste management body for the specific requirements to recycle aerosol products in your region.
Simply put, recycling refers to the reuse of the materials used to make products that are empty or are no longer functional. The recycling process is also called "material recovery". Recycling can also result in one raw material being re-manufactured into a new context or for a different product. Re-using raw materials avoids them from becoming landfill and supplies the manufacturing industry with materials that do not have to be sourced from natural origins like mines or forests. Glass, paper, cardboard, iron, non-porous metals, and plastics are particularly suitable for this purpose. An important prerequisite for effective "material recycling" is that the recyclable materials are collected as purely as possible, or that they are separated from the rest of the waste as easily as possible.
The recycling of empty aerosol products varies from place to place depending on where you are, and who is responsible for the recycling in your municipality. Although the below information is a general guide, we always recommend contacting your local council, or the governmentally run organization(s) that manage the disposal of waste in your region.
All filled products of Montana Cans can be returned to the recycling cycle once completely empty. Important is the separation of detachable aspects of the can like the plastic lids or interchangeable nozzles, and the packaging materials such as cardboard boxes, are removed without the use of tools that could pierce the container. For cans that have small amounts of content left in them, it may be possible to spray into an old rag, cloth, or absorbent material to empty them out. These cloths or rags can be disposed of in household waste once dry. Dispose of the plastic and cardboard waste in the appropriate recycle bins as provided by your local council. Any completely empty cans without pressure or contents can usually be recycled with the standard metal product recycling program in your locality.
It is sometimes not possible to empty old aerosol products that no longer have any pressure. The result may be cans that still have small amounts of fluids in them. In this case, it is important to dispose of these products correctly within the guidelines and requirements of your municipality. If the products are not completely empty they can be handed in at collection points such as government-run recycling centers, recycling yards, hazardous waste collection, or authorized waste disposal sites. Due to the different forms of administration, categorization, and management of the treatment of municipal waste, please contact your local council or government body directly should you have any uncertainties.
The European Aerosols Group and Montana Cans are constantly dealing with the topic of responsible disposal and recycling of used aerosol products. Even though laws and guidelines vary from country to country, our manufacturing standards comply with all legal regulations and requirements of the countries are products are present. In the interest of the positive future of our environment, simply complying is not enough. We also strive to reduce waste and packaging material at every possible point. An example of this is a wide selection of lid-less cans. With the invention of the color donut on the top of the can denoting the color inside it, we managed to significantly reduce plastic and cardboard waste, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. This step eliminated the use of the plastic lid (where possible), reduced the amount of cardboard packaging needed, and decreased the size of the packaging which meant more cans could be transported with a smaller carbon footprint.