BLACK Artist Edition RAGE

MONTANA-CANS releases limited quantities of special spray cans from time to time. Available only while stock lasts! SORRY – THIS CAN IS NO LONGER AVAILABLEHamburg, Germany is renowned for extremely innovative and high quality graffiti. Both on and off the trains. But in a city so creatively prolific, where security is so tight and competition is even tighter, there is still room for one name to shine. A name that is synonymous with quality, innovation and dedication when it comes to art and graffiti on trains. And that name is "RAGE". Since apx. 1998 the name RAGE or RACHE (in German) has found it's way into traffic in many forms, on many moving surfaces. For the 18th edition of the Montana BLACK ARTIST EDITION cans, this name has found it's way onto another major moving surface, the Montana BLACK color, Black 9001. The most in demand color of the range. With the appealing flavor that you are used to seeing in his artwork out in the field, RAGE has taken visual ownership and re-invented on possibly the most important color in the line. As with his now famous artwork "No varnish lasts forever", which restored the historical colorway of the front of an iconic Hamburg S-bahn train model, at first glance you will ask yourself what is it you have just been looking at? At second glance, you will not only be impressed, but you will also ...‹
Product information "BLACK Artist Edition RAGE"
Hamburg, Germany is renowned for extremely innovative and high quality graffiti. Both on and off the trains. But in a city so creatively prolific, where security is so tight and competition is even tighter, there is still room for one name to shine. A name that is synonymous with quality, innovation and dedication when it comes to art and graffiti on trains. And that name is "RAGE". Since apx. 1998 the name RAGE or RACHE (in German) has found it's way into traffic in many forms, on many moving surfaces. For the 18th edition of the Montana BLACK ARTIST EDITION cans, this name has found it's way onto another major moving surface, the Montana BLACK color, Black 9001. The most in demand color of the range. With the appealing flavor that you are used to seeing in his artwork out in the field, RAGE has taken visual ownership and re-invented on possibly the most important color in the line. As with his now famous artwork "No varnish lasts forever", which restored the historical colorway of the front of an iconic Hamburg S-bahn train model, at first glance you will ask yourself what is it you have just been looking at? At second glance, you will not only be impressed, but you will also be left with the dillema, "do I keep it, or collect it"?